Difference between setTimeout() and setInterval()

Difference between setTimeout() and setInterval()

1. setTimeout():

function or code

, delay);

Function or code will execute after the delay(time interval).

eg: setTimeout(function() { alert('Hi') }, 1000);

2. setInterval():

function or code

, delay)

Function or code will repeatedly execute for every delay interval(time interval).
eg: setInterval(function() { alert('Hi') }, 1000);

How to make sampar - easy - 10 steps

How to make sampar - easy - 10 steps

1. Take dal(parippu) with water in cooker. Wait for 3 whistles.
2. Add vegetables - drum stick (muringa kol), ladies finger(vendakka), carrot(carrot), chilly (pacha mulak) , onion (savala), tomato (thakkali),...
3. Add garlic (veluthulli), ginger (inchi).
4. Add turmeric powder (manhal podi), chilly powder (mulaku podi), Coriander powder (malli powder), sampar powder (sampar podi).
5. Add tamarind (mixed with water).
6. Add salt.
7. Add coconut. (optional, I didn't add. :))
8. Add asafoetidia (Kayam).  (optional)
9. Add curry leaf
10. Add mustard(kaduk) with oil. (kaduk potikkuka or varathikduka).


Javascript MemoryLeak Issues

Javascript Memory Leak Issues

We have been facing memory leak issues while developing html5 apps. It is observed that app is broken after browsing through the pages in the app. The memory usage is increased by time. The memory is not released after use. So we searched for some solution and found some technic which will improve memory usage.

1. Nullify the references after use and delete them
Eg: var name1 = someObject;
after scope,
name1 = null;
delete name1;

2. Remove domElements after use(jquery)
var name2 = $("something");
after scope,

Javascript Format Date, Number and Currency - Moment.js, Numeral.js and Accounting.js

Format Date, Number and Currency - Moment.js, Numeral.js and Accounting.js

I came to know libraries which help us in formatting numbers, dates and currency.

1. Moment.js - To parse, validate, and format dates.

moment().format('MMMM Do YYYY, h:mm:ss a'); // April 4th 2015, 3:11:47 pm
moment().format('dddd');                    // Saturday
moment().format("MMM Do YY");               // Apr 4th 15

// selecting time zone
moment.tz("2015-04-04 11:55", "Indian/Mauritius").format(); // "2015-04-04T11:55:00+04:00"
moment.tz("March 12th 2015 8PM", "MMM Do YYYY hA", "Indian/Mauritius").format();
 // "2015-03-12T20:00:00+04:00"

Url: http://momentjs.com/

2. Numeral.js - To format numbers

numeral(10000).format('0,0'); // "10,000"
numeral(10000).format('$0,0');  // "$10,000"
numeral(10000).format('0b'); // "10KB"
numeral(0.10).format('0%'); // "10%"

Url: http://numeraljs.com/

3. Accounting.js - To format numbers, money and currency

accounting.formatMoney(1000); // "$1,000.00"

// Indian rupee currency formatting
accounting.formatMoney(1000.99, "₹", 2, ".", ","); // "₹1.000,99"

Url: http://openexchangerates.github.io/accounting.js/