Git: Revert file after conflict

 Git: Revert file after conflict

Suppose your file got conflicted after taking pull and want to revert changes then use below command.

git checkout HEAD my/filename.js


Switch node versions using nvm

 Switch NodeJs versions using nvm

List all nodejs versions available

nvm ls-remote

Install specific version

nvm install 14.18.1

Install latest nodejs

nvm install node

List nodejs versions available in the machine

nvm ls

Switch to nodejs version

nvm use 16.13.0

Uninstall nodejs version

nvm uninstall 16.13.0

Git: Get changes from another branch

 Git: Get changes from another branch 

Suppose you are working branchA and somebody merged changes to main branch. You want pull latest changes from main to branchA.

option 1

git checkout main

git pull

git checkout branchA

git merge main

option 2

git rebase main

option 3

git pull origin main

Git: Save user credentials

 Git: Save Username and Password

To avoid prompting username and password, run below command

git config --global credential.helper store


git pull


React: File download

 React: File download

Got a requirement to save api response data (blob) to a file.

const responseData = await callApi();
var blob = new Blob([responseData], { type: "application/json" });
let url = window.URL.createObjectURL(blob);

// Creating the hyperlink and auto click it to start the download
let link = document.createElement("a");
link.href = url; = "samplefile.json";;

GIT: Edit last commit message

 GIT: Edit last commit message (not pushed)

git commit --amend -m "New commit message"
