Advanced Data Mining - Quiz 2 BITS WILP - Mtec Software Systems - 2017

Advanced Data Mining - Quiz 2
BITS WILP - Mtec Software Systems - 2017

Question 1
Which of the following is expected to be more compact in general.
Select one:
 a. CAN-Tries
 b. CATS-Tree
 c. FP-Tree
 d. CAN-Tree

Ans:  a. CAN-Tries

Question 2
Consider data mining operation on a database that keeps changing. Assume there are M number of items in the database and after some time M1 number of items expires and M2 number of new items joins the database. An incremental data mining algorithm would be called efficient if it takes
Select one:
 a. Order of M1+M2 time to update its mining result
 b. Order of M time to update its mining result
 c. Order of M2 time to update its mining result
 d. Order of M+M1+M2 time to update its mining result
 e. Order of M1 time to update its mining result

Ans:  a. Order of M1+M2 time to update its mining result

Question 3
Which of the following algorithm could produces clusters of arbitrary shape and size. (Hint: half moon is an arbitrary shape)
Select one or more:
 a. k-Means
 c. PAM
 d. Single Link

Ans:  b. DBSCAN , c. PAM

Question 4
Consider the paper entitled "Mining Frequent Patterns without Candidate Generation". This paper introduces which of the following algorithm
Select one:
 a. CATS-Tree
 b. CP-Tree
 c. FP-Tree
 d. CAN-Tree

Ans:  c. FP-Tree

Question 5
Incremental DBSCAN scan algorithm does not update the clustering after a single update instead it waits till some adequate number of transactions (datum point) arrive and depart. This step helps to minimize the sensitivity of DBSCAN algorithm on parameters such as eps and  min-pts.
Select one:

Ans:  True

Question 6
Incremental DBSCAN uses a special data structure to answer neighborhood queries called
Select one:
 a. Splay-Tree
 b. B-Tree
 c. AVL-Tree
 d. None of above

Ans :  d. None of above

Question 7
Consider association rule mining that involves the discovery of frequent itemsets based on support and confidence parameters. Negative border set can help in
 a. Reducing number of database scans
 b. Reducing the number of candidate itemsets
 c. Efficient computation of support of a candidate itemset
 d. Speed up in the process of construction of k+1 item sets from k itemsets

Ans:  a. Reducing number of database scans

Question 8
Consider difference estimation for large itemsets (DELI) algorithm. State which of the following is NOT trure
Select one:
 a. It does not process all the items.
 b. Its result could sometime be wrong and the probability of mistake could NOT be bounded
 c. Uses bell curve to build confidence interval
 d. This algorithm uses statistical technique

Ans:  b. Its result could sometime be wrong and the probability of mistake could NOT be bounded

Question 9
Consider a N-3 size data stream of positive integers where all the items are different and the maximum integer value in the stream is N. Assume that the stream is not sorted. Suppose your task is to device and algorithm to determine the numbers missing integers in the stream.
Select one:
 a. Any such algorithm would need to store N-3 numbers in the memory
 b. At least four integers need to be stored in the memory
 c. It is sufficient to have storage of two items
 d. None of the above

Ans:  a. Any such algorithm would need to store N-3 numbers in the memory

Question 10
Which of the following statement about k -Means clustering algorithm is FALSE
 a. It is suited for wide verity of problems and can be applied to evolving databases
 b. It is used for clustering
 c. Value of k is very important parameter and is supplied by the user only.
 d. Cluster label for an data point is determined by its centroid.

Ans:  a. It is suited for wide verity of problems and can be applied to evolving databases

Network Security - Quiz 1 - BITS WILP - Mtec Software Systems - 2017

Network Security - Quiz 1
BITS WILP - Mtec Software Systems - 2017

1. Cryptography provides security through obscurity.
Select one:

Ans: False

2. Security level of the cipher  does not increases by multiple substitution encryption.
Select one:

Ans: True

3. There are 8 equivalence class for the modulus 7
Select one:

Ans: False

4. In a symmetric cipher, different key are used by  the sender and receiver.
Select one:

Ans: False

5. Range of possible values used to construct keys is called key space.
Select one:

Ans: True

6. Security Services integrity assures that data received is a as sent by an authorized entity.
Select one:

Ans: True

7. There are 5 equivalence class for the modulus 5
Select one:

Ans: False

8. In symmetric cipher same key is used by  the sender and receiver.
Select one:

Ans: True

9. Security services authentication assures that the communicating entity is the one claimed.
Select one:

Ans: True

10. Security level of the encrypted message increases by multiple encrypting the message with a substitution cipher.
Select one:

Ans: False

11. Stream ciphers encrypt bits individually.
Select one:

Ans: True

12. Security level of the cipher  does not increases by multiple substitution encryption.
Select one:

Ans: True

13. Plaintext is the data before transformation.
Select one:
Ans : True

14. According to kerchoff's principle, a cryptosystem should be secure even if the attacker knows all details about the system, with the exception of the secret key.
Select one:

Ans: True

15. The ciphertext is the message after transformation.
Select one:

Ans: True

16. Security services non-repudiation protect against denial by one of the parties in a communication.
Select one:

Ans: True

17. A cryptosystem is unconditionally secure if it cannot be broken even with infinite computational resources.
Select one:

Ans: True

18. There are 7 equivalence class for the modulus 8
Select one:

Ans: False

19. According to kerchoff's principle, the attacker should not know the encryption and decryption algorithm.
Select one:

Ans: False

20. Stream ciphers encrypt bits individually.
Select one:

Ans: True

Distributed Computing Quiz 1 BITS WILP - Mtec Software Systems - 2017

Distributed Computing Quiz 1
BITS WILP - Mtec Software Systems - 2017 

1. Consider the following statements:

(i) Middleware provides interoperability among distributed objects.

(ii) Middleware is independent of hardware platforms.

(iii) Middleware is dependent on operating systems.

Which of the following is true?

Select one:
a. (i) only
b. (iii) only
c. (i), (ii) and (iii)
d. (i) and (ii)

Ans: (i) and (ii)

2. The master variable used in the Spezialetti–Kearns algorithm denotes the

Select one:
a. identifier of the process that initiated the algorithm
b. identifier of the process that has received a marker
c. identifier of a process that has already recorded its snapshot
d. identifier of the process that has received a marker along each of its incoming channels

Ans: identifier of the process that initiated the algorithm

3. The number of stages in a 64-input and 64-output Omega network is

Select one:

Ans: 6

4. Which of the following statement is false in context of Lai-Yang algorithm?

Select one:
every process is initially white
a message sent by a white process is colored white
a message sent by a red process is colored red
a process turns red when it receives a marker

Ans: a process turns red when it receives a marker

5. A cut is inconsistent if

Select one:
more than one message cross the cut from the FUTURE to the PAST
any message crosses the cut from the PAST to the FUTURE
at least one message crosses the cut from the FUTURE to the PAST
no message crosses the cut

Ans: at least one message crosses the cut from the FUTURE to the PAST

6. denotes

Select one:
the set of events that have occurred at process pj
the yth event that has occurred at process pj
the yth internal event that has occurred at process pj
the event at process pj whose time duration is y units

Ans: the yth event that has occurred at process pj

7. For two events a and b having vector timestamps vx and vy respectively, if a causally affects b, then

Select one:
vx = vy
vx > vy
vx || vy
vx < vy

Ans: vx < vy

8. Global state of a distributed system is

Select one:
a collection of the local states of the channels only
a collection of the local states of the processes and the channels
a collection of the local states of the processes only
a collection of the local states of a set of empty channels

Ans: a collection of the local states of the processes and the channels

9. Which of the following properties is not satisfied by scalar clocks?

Select one:
strong consistency
total ordering
event counting

Ans: strong consistency

10. How many processing modes are defined in Flynn's taxonomy?

Select one:

Ans: 4

11. Which of the following is true?

Select one:
send(mij) ∉∉ LSi ⇒ mij ∉∉ SCij ⊕⊕ rec(mij)  ∉∉ LSj

 send(mij) ∉∉ LSi ⇒ mij ∉∉ SCij

 send(mij) ∉∉ LSi ⇒ mij ∉∉ SCij ∧ rec(mij)  ∉∉ LSj

send(mij) ∉∉ LSi ⇒ mij ∉∉ SCij ∨∨ rec(mij)  ∉∉ LSj

Ans: send(mij) ∉∉ LSi ⇒ mij ∉∉ SCij ∧ rec(mij)  ∉∉ LSj

12. Which of the following is true of the UMA model?

Select one:
software is very loosely coupled
interconnection network to access memory may be a multistage switch
processors are of different types
each processor runs a different operating system

Ans: interconnection network to access memory may be a multistage switch

13. A system supporting causal ordering model satisfies

Select one:
for messages mij and mkj , if send(mij) → rec(mkj), then rec(mij) → send(mkj)
for messages mij and mik , if send(mij) → send(mik), then rec(mij) → rec(mik)
for messages mij and mkj , if send(mij) → send(mkj), then rec(mij) || rec(mkj)
for messages mij and mkj , if send(mij) → send(mkj), then rec(mij) → rec(mkj)

Ans: for messages mij and mkj , if send(mij) → send(mkj), then rec(mij) → rec(mkj)

14. The number of processor and memory units in a 5-dimensional hypercube is

Select one:

Ans: 32

15. A global state is strongly consistent iff the global state

Select one:
is consistent and transitless
follows the FIFO model
is transitless
follows the causal ordering model

Ans: is consistent and transitless

16. Concurrency of a distributed program is defined as

Select one:
the ratio of the number of local operations to twice the total number of operations
the ratio of the total number of operations to twice the number of local operations
the ratio of the number of local operations to the total number of operations
the ratio of the total number of operations to the number of local operations

Ans: the ratio of the number of local operations to the total number of operations

17. The system of vector clocks is strongly consistent if

Select one:
the dimension of vector clocks is one less than the total number of processes in the distributed computation
the dimension of vector clocks is at least equal to the total number of processes in the distributed computation
the dimension of vector clocks is half of the total number of processes in the distributed computation
the dimension of vector clocks is one third of the total number of processes in the distributed computation

Ans: the dimension of vector clocks is at least equal to the total number of processes in the distributed computation

18. The termination criterion for the Chandy-Lamport global snapshot recording algorithm is that
Select one:
each process has received a marker on all of its incoming channels
each process has sent a marker to every other process
each process has received a marker from each of the other processes
each process has sent a marker on all of its outgoing channels

Ans: each process has received a marker on all of its incoming channels

19. Which of the following is false for a distributed system?

Select one:
has no shared memory
communicate using message passing
individual computers may be connected via LAN or WAN
has a common clock

Ans: has a common clock

20. CORBA stands for

Select one:
Cyclic Obfuscated Request Broker Architecture
Creative Object Request Broker Architecture
Common Object Request Broker Architecture
Coordinated Online Request Broker Architecture

Ans: Common Object Request Broker Architecture

21. For Butterfly and Omega networks, paths from different inputs to any one output constitute a

Select one:
spanning tree

Ans: spanning tree

22. ei →→ ej  denotes that

Select one:
ei only directly causally affects ej
ei and ej are concurrent
ej directly or transitively causally affects ei
ei directly or transitively causally affects ej

Ans: ei directly or transitively causally affects ej

23. For an n-input and n-output Omega network, output i of a stage is connected to input j of next stage if j = 2i + 1 - n for

Select one:
n/2 < i < n - 1
n/2 < i < n
n/2 <= i <= n - 1
n/2 <= i <= n

Ans: n/2 <= i <= n - 1

24. The number of switches in a single stage of an n-input and n-output Butterfly network is

Select one:

Ans: n/2

25. A system of logical clocks is strongly consistent if the following condition is satisfied

Select one:
for 2 events ei and ej, ei →→  ej ⇔⇔ C(ei) >= C(ej)

 for 2 events ei and ej, ei →→  ej ⇔⇔ C(ei) = C(ej)

 for 2 events ei and ej, ei ||  ej ⇔⇔ C(ei) < C(ej)

 for 2 events ei and ej, ei →→  ej ⇔⇔ C(ei) < C(ej)

 Ans: for 2 events ei and ej, ei →→  ej ⇔⇔ C(ei) < C(ej)

Data Warehousing - Quiz 1 - 2017 BITS WILP - Mtec Software Systems

Data Warehousing - Quiz 1 
BITS WILP - Mtec Software Systems - 2017 

1_________ component involves purging source data that is not useful and separating out source records into new combinations.
Select one:
 a. Source Data
 b. Data Staging
 c. Management and Control
 d. Data Storage

 Ans : b. Data Staging

2 ______ is the navigational map of the data warehouse.
Select one:
 a. Operational Metadata
 b. Extraction Metadata
 c. End-User Metadata
 d. Transformation Metadata

 Ans: c. End-User Metadata

3)Strategic information IS NOT used for which for the following purpose?
Select one:
 a. formulate the business strategies
 b. Increase the customer base
 c. process business transactions (e.g., generate invoice, payments, orders, etc.)

 Ans: c. process business transactions (e.g., generate invoice, payments, orders, etc.)

4). __________ are either identical or strict mathematical subsets of the most granular, detailed dimension.
Select one:
 a. Factless Fact Tables
 b. Conformed Facts
 c. Conformed Dimensions
 d. Degenerate Dimensions

 Ans : c. Conformed Dimensions

5)One of the primary benefits of ___________ keys is that they buffer the data warehouse environment from operational changes.
Select one:
 a. None of the Options
 b. Foreign
 c. Natural
 d. Surrogate

 Ans: d. Surrogate

6).In a dimension table ________ conveys the level of detail associated with the fact table measurements.
Select one:
 a. grain
 b. attribute
 c. dimension
 d. metadata

 Ans: a. grain

 7)The precursors required to load the data into the data warehouse presentation area are:
Select one:
 a. Combining data from multiple sources
 b. All the options
 c. Deduplicating data
 d. Cleansing the data

 Ans: b. All the options

 8)What is / are the feature/ features of Data Warehouse?
Select one:
 a. Data Granularity
 b. Time - Variant Data
 c. Nonvolatile Data
 d. All of the Options

 Ans: d. All of the Options

 9).____________ modeling is a design technique that seeks to remove data redundancies.
Select one:
 a. 1NF
 b. 3NF
 c. 2NF
 d. BCNF

 Ans: b. 3NF

 10) ____________ is a systematic process for capturing, integrating, organising and communicating knowledge accumulated by employees.
Select one:
 a. Agent Technology
 b. Multidimensional Analysis
 c. ERP
 d. Knowledge Management

 Ans : d. Knowledge Management