Print Functionality For Web App

The Print Functionality on a Webpage

Today I have to deal with print functionality for a web page. Apart from Ctrl+P there are things to be taken care for printing, why need for a "print this page" button.

For printing, the pages should not be like webpage we see. The menus and other unwanted items can be avoided. The entire webpage will be divided into many pages. The page layout can be changed. Images and coloring can be changed. Typography can be changed.

The print function can be achieved using window+print();, looks very interesting

You might have seen "print this page" button in web pages. Upon clicking this will convert the page so that it will be convenient for taking hard copies. Print page can be converted effectively using print styles. For responsive web design, this is not much applicable since the layout changes according to the screen size. 

Microsoft Outlook Process Incoming Mail and Store It Into Database using VBA Script

Microsoft Outlook Process Incoming Mail and Store into Database using VBA 

You can run a script for Outlook incoming email of particular format to achieve particular functionality. Automating things will makes do certain things better. The requirement was, when a mail with particular keyword in subject comes in Microsoft Outlook, then the mail content should be processed and stored it into db by running a script(VBA).

I have done it by following steps.

1. Disable security settings: Enable macro from Outlook>Options>Trust center>Enable notifications for all. Add Developer tab in Tabs in similar way.

2. Create Access database(somedb.accdb) to store mail content. Set up table and schema.

3. Alt + F11, to open VBA window for outlook. Try some script to test. Then create a subroutine for which incoming mail is a parameter(otherwise will not be able to add script in rules.) The subroutine will extract the message and store it into db as in stackoverflow code.

Upon test running u will get the error, "User-defined type not defined" because you didn't add the references/libraries.
Under Tools>References, Don't select Microsoft DAO 3.6 Object Library(for .mdb format) as I do, it will give "Name conflicts with existing module, project or object library" error. Add  Microsoft Office 12.0 Access Database Engine Object Library or later which is the correct reference one if your db is somedb.accdb. Done. Run to test whether something is getting inserted into db.

5. Now create  a rule for outlook. Manage rule>new rule>on incoming messages> select specific words in subject>Specify what keyword>Next>select run script> select script that we have done in VBA.
6. Try sending email with the format and check db.


Automate Search in Excel Sheet Using Internet Explorer ActiveXObject

Today I got an assignment to search a number of words in two excel sheets. The work was very boring. So I thought of automating the search. I created web page which will accept the keywords and excel sheets and will show whether keywords are present or not. I used activex object and hence it will run only in ie.
